The Sport You've Never Heard Of
I'm really behind on posts, and I will eventually publish photos and stories from stuff that happened months ago, but I thought I'd write breifly about the Handball World Championship Final, which is happening today in Germany.
So apparently there is this sport called "handball" which is really popular here in Germany, and which I have never ever heard of ever in my life before. *AND* there is a world championship final, which is happening today at roughly the same time as the Superbowl, *AND* Germany is competing against Poland, so, expectedly, there is lots of face painting and hair dying and beer drinking and car horn honking happening everywhere.
What is handball? Good question. It's kind of like a cross between soccer and basketball, inside, on a court, but with a smaller soccer-type goal that people throw a small-ish ball into. It's apparently violent and people frequently break their fingers, etc., and there are red and yellow cards like in soccer. I have some photos, but Blogger has recently changed it's format, and so they might show up, or they might just be strange code-like sentences. It might be better to visit the Handball Wikipedia entry, really, since I'm now almost out of battery power. One of the photos (if, indeed there should happen to be photos on this entry) is of the German national team coach, Heiner Brand, who I think, has to prove that Germans *are* okay with moustaches, just maybe not black ones? (And really that comment will make no sense, given that I haven't entered written about anything that's happened in the last two months.) Okay, well, 1% battery power, you'll just have to check back later to see what I mean. And are these really going to be photos? Hmmm...

Interesting to know.
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